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The Fitness Business Podcast with Erin Dimond and Jordan Dugger

Dec 30, 2019

We were so impressed by the knowledge and response we received during our live calls that our coach Alyssa had with our Transform clients that we had to bring some of this value to the podcast. Alyssa is fantastic at disseminating complex topics into understandable and actionable steps and you will want to go back and...

Dec 26, 2019

As we near a new year and decade, we wanted to talk specifically talk about the ability to lose fat while reverse dieting and if that is achievable. The obvious answer is "it depends" like most concepts. We want you as educated as possible on the subject of reverse dieting because it is critical to your...

Dec 23, 2019

Megan is spending the holidays with us in Columbus and we wanted to have an open conversation about a few different topics today (and Jordan did not run off crying at any point in this recording). A lot of mindset related topics we've talked about before but if we are constantly talking about them, they are that...

Dec 19, 2019

We have back in the studio Alex Bush and his amazing wife Sue to discuss many different topics today. If you are currently in the grind mode of your life, staying up until 1 or 2 am working on programs, you'll want to listen to this one. Alex was that grinder and Alex and Sue have learned a lot about working together as...

Dec 16, 2019

So... does drinking impact gains? If so, to what degree? We dive into some of our drunken escapades before we get nerdy.  We never want to come at this subject from a black and white approach. You can drink and still obtain the body you want. However, too much will have consequences. Listen in and we discuss how...