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The Fitness Business Podcast with Erin Dimond and Jordan Dugger

May 15, 2023

Last summer, I wanted to burn IFCA to the ground and give up. A lot went into feeling like this at the time which I'll explain and that's not something I'm proud to admit but if you've ever felt like giving up, I want you to know you're not alone. I've learned a lot since then about confidence, competence, and feeling fulfilled as a business owner and human being. I want to share this with you in hopes you start to work towards competency, fulfillment, and self-respect rather than pure achievement.


Time Stamps:


(0:55) This Past Summer and Wanting to Quit

(2:31) A Case for Fulfillment Over Achievement

(2:59) You Need to Work Hard

(4:24) Fulfillment and Self-Respect

(6:30) Competing Analogy

(7:45) Honorable Goals

(9:20) One Bite At a Time


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