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The Fitness Business Podcast with Erin Dimond and Jordan Dugger

Jun 27, 2019

We are super SUPER excited to bring you today's guest because every time I bring birth control or my hair loss (this is Erin speaking) I get a lot of responses back with questions and there's still a lot of misconceptions when it comes to birth control and what it does to your hormones and how it affects the rest of...

Jun 17, 2019

We are going to share with you what most people never talk about. Most people share the progress photos, show photos, and the trophies after their contest prep. We want to shed light on the dark side of contest prep. What the body goes through, what relationships go through, and what suffers as a result. We are not here...

Jun 10, 2019

Today, we have a terrific guest on and Jordan's prep coach Jason Theobald who you might know as Scooby Prep on Instagram. Jordan and Jason have been working together for about 10 months now and we wanted to share Jason's story. Jason is incredibly knowledgable and can speak passionately no matter who his audience is so...