Aug 31, 2020
We got hit with COVID after traveling to Mexico and got some major backlash from some people. While we believe our decisions were right, we wanted to use this example to explain why standing by your values and principles is so important. You will piss people off if you don't blend in. You need to stand for something if...
Aug 24, 2020
Jordan here with a quick, value-packed solo episode that, if you get this right, the world is yours. That is being a craftsman or craftswoman at creativity and harassing that time and energy wisely each and every day. Today, I want to share with you some obstacles to consistent creativity and creation and what I have...
Aug 20, 2020
Marketing just like sales doesn't have to feel sleazy or slimy. You are wanting to transform human lives. It's important then to actually market to humans with empathy and care. Today's guests have built 7 figure businesses and a massive following doing just that. Our good friend Carter Good is back on the podcast with...
Aug 17, 2020
Is it possible to make more in sales by selling less and being an actual caring, empathetic human being? We aren't only saying it's possible, it's NECESSARY in the online fitness space. Today, we are joined by our great friend and IFCA's Director of Sales and Enrollment Hayden Weichers. Check out the first episode for...
Aug 13, 2020
You've been in the game a while, had some solid months, but just can't seem to have consistent 20k months... and you are tired of all that work not reaching its true potential. We got you. Today's episode is all about how to get consistent 20k and beyond months in your business. Some things you've never considered. Some...